Our Story


Dear Meraki is a Vintage Rustic Bohemian studio curated by and for artists to create art. The space is full of life and inspiration where creativity can flourish and art be the organic result. Our decor is unique and inspiring to ensure it easily gives you the ability to create! 

Meraki (may-rah-kee) Greek: (n.)

To do something with soul, or love; to leave something of yourself into your work.


We truly believe in community over competition. We are building a community of people who love to create as much as we do. We envision Dear MerakI to be more than just a creative space. We want to strengthen the photography and creative community by bringing everyone together to collaborate, exchange ideas, learn and teach. You can be an aspiring photographer who wants to master their skills in a natural light studio, a mom with a semi-professional camera doing a family shoot or a creative.  With Dear Meraki, we want everyone to feel at home and make it easy, by always being a constant to ensure you can focus on creating. One less thing to worry about so you can have fun and express yourself!

Dedicated to you by: Michelle, Marco , MATEO, PENELOPE & ANTONELLA


This is our passion and we put our whole being into it. It’s just who we are. We want to share our vision with you! When you choose Dear Meraki, you are guaranteed an experience that is out of this world with people who truly want you to have the best studio experience for you to tell your story. Let’s chat! What are you creating today?